Saturday, January 24, 2015

There is fun to be had...if you choose to!

Educational Theory and Technology

My theory of educational technology follows mainly with constructivism. According to constructivism, students build their own knowledge by experiences and reflections. In a classroom, you can present the material to the best of your ability and more than likely there are still going to be students who choose not to pay attention and not learn. The students who choose to pay attention build upon their knowledge, and those who choose to be distracted by something else choose not to build on their knowledge. Just as in a classroom, a cruise ship captain can set sail, but cannot make everyone get on board before the ship leaves the port. Occasionally there may be passengers who are left behind for a while.

Goals for Students

I hope to prepare my students to work with other people not only face-to-face, but also online. I hope to teach them how to research effectively, prepare them for life after high school, and ensure they are critical thinkers. These goals relate to the standards by making sure my students are collaborators, critical thinkers, and much more!

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